
Solid foundations
Since its foundation, CERIMED has been able to rely on several European networks in the domains of the instrumentation (Crystal Clear, Siam, Cima and EuroMedIm collaborations, initiated with CERN or with the community of high energy physics, GDR MI2B of IN2P3 / CNRS and the CEA-DAPNIA), of the biology (genopole network) and of the medicine (canceropole network, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), cancer institutes (OECI)).
These networks will find in CERIMED a place of synergy and action on the European scale offering logistic support and critical mass in the image of the major European infrastructures of researchr) dedicated to fundamental research (CERN, ESRF), which should enable the development of the industrial network in this field in Europe.
An institutional structure :the “Scientific Interest Group” (SIG) status
The various partners of CERIMED (Aix-Marseille University, École Centrale of Marseille (French engineering school), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille (Marseilles’ Public Hospitals Groupment), Institut Paoli-Calmettes (regional cancer-fighting center), and the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) came together on April 21st, 2011, to form an European Scientific Interest Group governed by a convention which defines the modalities:
- of their participation,
- of the intellectual property management,
- of the furniture and building property,
- of the researchers’ and teachers’ homing.

The aim of the SIG isto coordinate the scientific, administrative, and financial management of CERIMEDin its actions in the field of medical imaging and more precisely :
- the development, the optimization and the preclinical and clinical validation of instruments, of markers and of biomedical imaging protocols, in a pluridisciplinary environment,
- the development of preclinical and clinical imaging research protocols,
- the valuation with the technology transfer and the industrial incubation,
- the contribution to new cross teaching subjects (in initial and continuous training).
CERIMED hence benefits from its own statuts, which enables it to :
- manage the European dimension of the programme under the direct supervision of the ministries concerned
- group together the various institutional and private partner at European level with a maximum of flexibility and independance.
Board of directors
- Président : Pr Yvon BERLAND (AMU)
- Manager : Pr Jean-Louis MEGE (AMU)
- Assistant manager : Pr Olivier MUNDLER (AP-HM)
- General secretary : Emmanuelle CHOUVET (AMU)
Signatories of the SIG
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Aix-Marseille University (AMU) came into effect on January 1st, 2012, replacing the former University of Provence, of the Mediterranea and Paul-Cézanne. It is one of the most recent universities of France today, it is also the largest one by way of the number of regsitered students, staff and budget. It is also the largest French-speaking university. All these advantages, not to mention the already notable results in teaching and research domains, make Aix-Marseille University afurther education and research establishment.Website |
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Centrale Marseille (ECM) is part of the Ecoles Centrales Group (with Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Paris and Beijing, French engineering schools). Situated at the heart of the science park of Château-Gombert (Marseille), it develops narrow links with numerous large companies, several leading research laboratories, poles of competitivity, and has tied multiple international partnerships. Ecole Centrale of Marseille shares the same vision as the Ecoles Centrales Group, that of a multidimensional excellence, and the same structural project, that of training polyvalent and responsible engineers.Website |
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With its 4 hospital establishments and 3 500 beds,l’Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille AP-HM) is the most important hospital structure in the region Provence – Alpes – Côte d’Azur (France). It is also the most important employer of the region, counting more than 12 000 employees and 1 885 medical doctors. The missions of this University hospital (CHU) are health care, training, research as well as prevention and health education. The different hospitals located on 4 sites, offer a complete range of specialist care, from proximity care to the latest rteatments of rare and complex pathologies for adults and children. The mdedical teams are engaged in a dynamic of excellent proximity health care service, accessible to everyone.Website |
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The Institut Paoli-Calmettes (IPC) is a cancerology center managed by the Public Health Care Code. Under this law, it has a mission of public service regarding cancerology. Being a University hospital, the institute is linked to the Faculty of Medecine and to “INSERM” which has its research units implemented on the same site.Website |
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The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a public research organisation (Public establishment of scientific and technological character, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research). It produces knowledge and puts this knowledge to the service of the society. As the main research organisation of pluridisciplinary character in France, the CNRS leads research in all the scientific, technological and societal domains. Implemented throughout the French territory, the CNRS activities cover all fields of knowledge, based on over 1.100 research and service units. Website |
- S.I.G. Annex 1 (in French) – Programme scientifique :[pdf issuu_pdf_id=”120910171018-77abd064babe4343b3eaf1a5c56ff956″ layout=”browsing”]
- S.I.G. Annex 2 (in French) – Liste des laboratoires de recherche et des structures participant aux activités du G.I.S. :[pdf issuu_pdf_id=”120910171525-77e4f3d3736e4b5c973ff52c2a8d9288″ layout=”browsing”]
- S.I.G. Annex 3 (in French) – Moyens mis à disposition par les parties pour le GIS : [pdf issuu_pdf_id=”120910171027-a86cf442f5af40669210d79df2ca7c4e” layout=”browsing”]