The CERIMED concept was developped by Dr Paul Lecoq, senior physicist at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in the continuity of the Crystal Clear European network. This network had been established to promote the transfer of research stemming from large scale physics experiments to the sector of biology and medicine. Promoted since 2005 by the Université de la Méditerranée, CERIMED was developed with two goals :
- Validation of new medical imaging techniques: development or optimization of new instruments, development and validation of new radiopharmaceutics for the exploration and follow-up of various pathologies. Studies will be performed on animal models before transfer to human subjects.
- Providing a complete platform of in vivo preclinical and clinical imaging to academic laboratories and biotechnology companies.
Ambitions on an European scale

Since 2005, the CERIMED project is in the hands of the Aix-Marseille University (formerly Université de la Méditerranée) in partnership with several laboratories, institutions, national and European industries. CERIMED suggests to offer on one and the same site a space for synergies and discussions between the different disciplines that make up < strong > medical imaging < / strong >, in close links with the industry.
The aim is to create in Europe a pole of excellence meeting the skills and infrastructures whiwh allow a research program and ambitious development to be led, for the conception and validation of the upcoming generations of imaging systems, which we know will contribute decisively to solve big problems faced by public health.
The ambition is to put Europe in a dominant position on the market of medical imaging by strengthening the synergy between all concerned, whether they be institutional or industrial.
Excellence and Transversality

The European Center of Research in Medical imaging (CERIMED), is unique in both its conception and its infrastructure, being a platform of partnership and pluridisciplinary service and research.
It suggests to offer on the Health Campus of Marseille (France), spaces of synergies between the different disciplines of preclinical and medical imaging, in close links with the industry. CERIMED will be open to the academic laboratories and to the firms in biotechnology and instrumentation in its three founding missions:

- 05/06/2022 : ISO 9001:2015 et NF X50-900:2016 double certification for service & innovation activities in radio-pharmaceutics and pre-clinical nuclear research.
- 01/01/2019 : Creation of Mixed Service Unit UMS 2012 AMU CNRS
- 02/2018 : Label “plateforme technologique” AMU
- 24/11/2015 : IRM 3T hosting
- 12/11/2014 : Label IBiSA
- 17/07/2014 : Launch
- Mai 2011 : Start of the works, expected delivery : november 2012
- 2010 : GFC Construction chosen for the infrastructure 11/10/2010
- 2009 : A.O.T et Research Partnership with Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), a Novartis company
- 2009 : Marseille Aménagement chosen for the works
- 2005 : Initiative taken by Dr Paul Lecoq, Senior Physician at CERN.
Operation supported by CPER 2007-2013 for infrastructure and equipment - 1990 : Crystal Clear